See Chetty Data Update

Official Launch: The Crescent Coalition

November 14th, 2023 New Education Coalition Catalyzing Change in College and Career Readiness In an unprecedented show of cooperation, nine Charlotte-Mecklenburg nonprofits have formed the Crescent Coalition, a collaboration to support under-resourced students along their educational journey. For too long, nonprofits such as these have tried to change students’ futures alone, but the task is […]

Reckoning with our Racial Past Panel

Leading on Opportunity director Sherri Chisholm will be on a panel joining Lonnie G. Bunch III, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Brian Moynihan, Chair & CEO, Bank of America and local leaders to discuss how access to critical resources can shape communities across the nation–including right here in Charlotte. Register to attend here: Reckoning With […]

Life Lessons: Tonya Jameson

From party life to party lines, the longtime Observer reporter and political consultant looks for opportunities to bring Charlotte’s diverse residents together. Read More about Leading on Opportunity’s very own Tonya Jameson:

A New Economic Mobility Tool for Change

Leading on Opportunity — an FFTC initiative focused on increasing pathways to opportunity for all — recently announced the Opportunity Compass, a new tool to help measure Charlotte’s collective progress on economic mobility that was developed in partnership with community leaders. The launch of this new visualization is a major step forward in the effort to […]

New tool helps Charlotte measure progress on economic mobility

Charlotte has a new way to examine itself and its efforts to improve economic mobility called the Opportunity Compass. It attempts to measure whether the community is making progress on its pledge to improve the odds that children born in poverty will make it out. The tool devised by Leading On Opportunity aims to help nonprofits, philanthropists and […]

Charlotte launches tool to measure economic mobility

Leading on Opportunity debuted the Opportunity Compass, which was developed in collaboration with community leaders to determine ways to improve economic and social capital in the region. A 2014 national study ranked Charlotte last among the 50 largest U.S. cities in economic mobility. “The Land of Opportunity study was a nationwide wakeup call that achieving […]

Charlotte’s economic mobility was the nation’s worst. A new tool measures progress.

Leading on Opportunity has launched its new Opportunity Compass, a tool aimed at measuring Charlotte’s progress on economic mobility. The Charlotte-based organization was created in 2017 to address key determinants of economic mobility after a national study done by a Harvard University economist ranked the city last in economic mobility in 2014. Read More:

EQUALibrium: A public conversation on race and equity in Charlotte

In this special conversation, host Mary C. Curtis is joined by local leaders and experts at Project 658 in Charlotte to look at how far the city has come, and what still needs to happen to improve upward mobility in Charlotte. Read more: