See Chetty Data Update


College & Career Readiness

Two of every three new jobs now require some level of postsecondary education—training credentials, an associate degree, a four-year degree, or higher.

Students need to be prepared for our rapidly-changing workforce needs. A rapidly-changing job market has opened other pathways to equip our students with the skills and education they will need to build and support thriving families.

Strategies to Address College and Career Readiness

Strategy F/6

Broaden the range of and access to high quality college and career pathways offered by our K-12 and postsecondary institutions, ensuring all students have access to and support for the full range of opportunities.

Strategy G/7

Equip all students and their parents with the information and guidance they need to understand and navigate multiple college and career pathways, preparation, and processes.

Strategy H/8

Galvanize community support to develop and implement a multi-faceted plan to increase paid work-based learning opportunities for students.

Strategy I/9

Expand and strengthen support for first-generation and other low-socioeconomic students who need help transitioning to and completing postsecondary education.

Strategy J/10

Create more on-ramps to education, training, and employment for our disconnected youth and young adults (ages 16-24).

Strategy K/11

Elevate and actively promote the critical importance of acquiring a postsecondary degree and/or industry certification for our young people to successfully compete in our rapidly changing, technologically advanced labor market

Our Areas of Focus

Leading on Opportunity has five areas of focus. We take a systemic approach to addressing the key determinants of Early Care and Education, Child and Family Stability and College and Career Readiness while simultaneously focusing on the cross-cutting factors of the Impact of Segregation and Social Capital. When addressed together, we believe these can have the greatest impacts on the opportunity trajectory of an individual.

Early Care & Education

Child & Family Stability

College & Career Readiness

The Impact of Segregation

Social Capital