See Chetty Data Update

The Workforce Almanac

Click here to explore Harvard’s tool that maps the workforce development sector across the United States. Link: Home ( How it can be used

Official Launch: The Crescent Coalition

November 14th, 2023 New Education Coalition Catalyzing Change in College and Career Readiness In an unprecedented show of cooperation, nine Charlotte-Mecklenburg nonprofits have formed the Crescent Coalition, a collaboration to support under-resourced students along their educational journey. For too long, nonprofits such as these have tried to change students’ futures alone, but the task is […]

Racial Disparities Dashboard

The Othering and Belonging Institute is pleased has launched the Racial Disparities Dashboard. A racial disparity is defined as a persistent difference in outcomes between racial groups. This project is designed to provide data on these outcomes for American society, and to highlight areas of progress and regress in closing disparities in critical life outcomes. The dashboard currently […]

The GC Wealth Project

The GC Wealth Project is a key project from the Stone Center on Socioeconomic Inequality that gathers and assembles a variety of research and data on wealth, wealth inequalities, and wealth transfers and taxation across many countries. This tool provides a vivid picture of wealth distribution and inequalities through descriptive visualizations. Browse the resource here!

Racial Equity Toolkit

A reflection and resource guide for collective impact backbone staff and partners. Exlpore the resource here:

Black Wealth Indicators

The Black Wealth Indicators bring together a dozen county-level measures of wealth from our Racial Wealth Equity Database. Search for one county to examine how an individual county measures up nationally or compare two counties. The tool paints a holistic picture of the variations that exist among communities and fuels a data-driven discussion on racial […]

Making Change: A State Advocacy Playbook for Equitable Education Finance

In “Making Change: A State Advocacy Playbook for Equitable Education Finance”, we share lessons from advocacy leaders in six states — California, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, and Nevada — on the conditions that paved the way for positive changes in their education finance systems. Read More

Charlotte Mecklenburg Quality of Life Explorer

“​​​​The Quality of Life Explorer looks at the social, housing, economic, environmental and safety conditions in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Local residents, businesses, service providers, government agencies, realtors, universities and others can use the Explorer  to learn more about the county and its neighborhoods, develop programs and services, and plan for the future.” View the explorer here: